Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"Does this job make me look fat?"

Do you know WHEN it is time to consider changing jobs or careers? What are the tell tale signs? While there is no ONE indicator, it is usually a combination of factors which lead to making a job change. In today's market, it is as important as ever to truly research your career/job options before "jumping ship." You may also want to consider contacting your current company's EAP program. Most companies, regardless of employee size, ofer some type of mediation, employee counseling services etc. Contacting someone within these programs can help you better identify the stress factors or even help mediate current issues you may be having with a colleague or a supervisor.
Job retention is more important than ever in these uncertain economic times and employers want to retain good employers. Therefore do not be afriad to ask for help.

If you have however explored these options and still believe it is time to move on, that is ok too and in future posts on our blog you will see options and websites where you can research future career options.

Some general tell tale signs that you are "beyond burn out" may be the following:
Excessive irritability on the job and with co-workers
Coming in late on a regular basis
Leaving early
Looking for a job while at your job
A general sense of immobility (the sense that you have done all you can at this position)
Poor time management, lack of follow through on job tasks

The list goes on and please keep in mind these thoughts and behaviors can be indications of many external issues as well- family, monetary. We all have them and go through phases and tough times.For many their job is the opposite, it becomes a place of refuge from their external stress.

While neither should be avoided this site/blog should not be used to treat significant mental health issues. Please consult an outside professional.

Ellie Advisor


jason44 said...

I own and operate a small business with approximately 15 employees and my question is.
How do i get my employees to be more productive?
I have given them salary raises and incentives and it just seems like i am at a standstill with many of them cause there is no more room for promotions.
We all get along well and everybody who works with me is reliable trustworthy and competent.
Problem is that they dont strive for more.


3 Job Chicks said...

Thank you Jason for your question>

As I mentioned in the last post, "job retention" is very important in any market, but it especially important in today's economy.

Good employees are not always easy to come by and employers, especially small business owners, face the challenge of being the only "supervisor" each employee can talk to. That ratio is challenging and can create pressure for an employer who wants to make everyone happy while increasing his/her sales and business.
First I would suggest a meeting with each employee then in a group. Dont be afraid to ask your employees what they are thinking or how they can contribute more to their job. Most people will respond favorably and will offer suggestions. Incentives and salaries are great but cannot replace communcation and a feeling of teamwork. This often direcctly effects the employer's bottom line in a positive manner.
Individal "emotional promotion" = increased self/business productivity.

Good luck!
Ellie Advisor